Monday, August 11, 2008

Here's a Fiver!

Well, we went to the pyramids, obviously.  And wouldn't you know it, I was sick.  As in throwing up.  It was really bad.  But I still managed to suck it up and go inside one of the pyramids.  Which was really really cool.  There's really not anything in there except for an empty sarcophagus, but just to walk through a tiny hallway that is that's amazing.  And really hot.  So that's the first picture.
The second is da sphinx.  Translated as The Sphinx, for those of you who don't quite speak Rebecca...ese.  Very cool.  Obviously.
The third is me on Mount Sinai.  Very very awesome.  We took camel rides up.  It was very dark (we started around 2 in the morning) and were guided up by Bedouin guides, and the stars were amazing, and the camels were fun, and and and...I loved it.  When we got as far as the camels would take us, then we got to climb up 750 irregular stairs.  And then we waited for the sunrise.  It was so beautiful!  Of course then we had to walk all the way back down, and this time in the sun, but what do you do?  Funny thing though: the Bedouins have cell phones.  Up on Mount Sinai.  And we're thinking, the Bedouins can get cell phone service all the way up here on Mount Sinai, but we have trouble getting a signal in regular areas of the states?  Psh.  It was pretty funny though.  Okay, enough of that.  I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now.  I'll just answer a few questions first:

Mother: the tunnels were tombs for various pharaohs, and this was also the supposed location of Queen Hatchepsut's grave...I think.  And as for the Egyptian motto, they're referring to Egyptian hospitality.  They often offer you a complimentary drink, and believe me, it's the only thing here that might actually be free.  And while I'm on that topic...I'll be so glad to get away from all the "Bakshish?" requests.  I don't even know how to spell that.  But it's a hated word.  It means tip.  And you'll hear it about fifty times a day.  You learn pretty quickly to just keep your head down and say no to everything.  Which might be a problem now out of Egypt where not everyone is angling for a tip.  Ah well.  I had a guy ask for a tip for showing me to the stairs of the museum that would eventually lead to the exit.  They were about ten steps away.  Luckily for me, I don't even carry to money, so too bad for him.  And one last thing: in case you saw Elizabeth's pictures, yes, of course I played with the cobras too.  Hee hee.

Did ew know...?
Five star hotels will charge an arm and a leg for just staying there, and then the rest of your limbs for everything else.
Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.


CassieU said...

i knew you had to have done the cobras...i will say this till we are all blue in the face. YOUR pics rock. i'm saving my favs on my comp so i can look at them when i want.
smiles..and again...sleep well...sweet dreams..and..does anyone have any idea about your swelling? that sounds bizarre...ever happened before?

Anonymous said...

Bedouins with cell phones. That is just too much. What a picture. Actually, you should have taken a picture of that. So funny. A marriage of two worlds. Th pic of you on top of Mt. Sinai just send chills up me. At last, pyramids. Sorry you were sick. good for you that you pressed on. The same thing happend to me when I went to see the Mona Lisa in the Louvre.

Anonymous said...

And a fiver is....?