Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Land of Scots

Hmm, first of all, let me explain our exciting trip here.  And in so doing, relate the wonderful way God works.  We had an early flight this morning.  A 7 o'clock flight.  When we asked at the desk of our hostel when the first bus was that left for the airport, they said 5.  Which is the same thing the schedule said.  Depending on which bus.  The bus on another street was 5:15.  It's all very confusing.  So, those being the earliest buses, and our flight leaving at 7, that would put us at the airport without much time to spare.  On the other hand, we'd save about sixteen euros, which is significant.  So we got up early, headed out to the bus stop, couldn't find the right one, went back to the desk, went out to the right stop, and waited.  Until two drunk Irishmen informed us that the first bus didn't come until 6:00.  So, does one trust two drunk Irishmen?  We wait a few more minutes, and some more people pass by, this time with a very helpful, "You'll be waiting a long time for that bus!"  So dismissing the fact that it's extremely rude to say that and pass by without helping, it did support the other two guys.  And yet, would a bus schedule lie?  Would our hostel not know what they were talking about?  Hmmm...intoxicated locals, or government papers...I'm sure you can see our dilemma.  So I prayed, "God, if we should be taking a cab right now, please have one pull over and offer."  Within a few minutes, a cab driver pulled over and offered.  He had another passenger, so our fee was lower.  The other passenger was a sweet local lady, originally from India.  It just so happened that she was on the same flight as us.  She provided us with the information that our flight was at 6:30, and not 7.  She got us in the correct line quickly RyanAir is very strict about timing, and we didn't have a lot left).  RyanAir is also very strict about luggage weight, and so we had tried to move some heavy stuff into our carry-ons so that our big bags would be within their 15.3 kilo requirement.  Elizabeth was significantly below.  Mine was... drum-roll, please... 15.3.  Is God cool or what?  And now we're safely arrived at this lovely home, with this lovely family that has been good enough to take us in.  It's going to be nice to be in a home for a little while.  My only complaint is that immigration control is nonexistent between Ireland and Scotland, so I didn't get my passport stamped.  I wanted a Scotland stamp!  'pout'

Now, remember how I expressed difficulty not fawning over the Irish accents?  Well, multiply that by about ten.  Or fifty.  It's very hard to respond to people here.  I just kind of stare at them vacantly.  And to top it all off, what should I see walking through the terminal, but a man in a kilt.  Hee.  I just about died.  I know I've said it before, in fact I'm pretty sure it's been featured as a  Lod's Little Tidbit(TM) before, but real men wear kilts.  And speaking of LLT (TM), Ireland was a fountain of them.  All sorts of precious tidbits, lying around just waiting to be used by me.  Some of them even in Gaelic.  Like this one.

Did ew know...?
"Is giorra cabhair De na an doras."  God's help is nearer than the door.
Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.


pifaith said...

It is so cool to see that God is alive and well in Ireland, hearing the cries of my little "gel's!" I was pretty sure that he cared about all the little details. And what's up with an Irish, Indian Angel? He is so creative.

pifaith said...

What is TM?

CassieU said...

TM= trade mark...that's my guess.
and...i really liked this story. good job with patience. and quick decisions.

Sara said...

Nice use of the TM. ;-)