Friday, May 23, 2008

Eight weeks, Three Days

Some of you may be wondering why I chose not to capitalize the word "weeks" in my title. In fact, you may be under the delusion that I did not realize I had done so. Or perhaps you merely text away the hours of your life and therefore expect and no longer notice poor grammar. Well, gentle reader, I, in fact, rarely do anything unitentionally (quiet from the peanut gallery), just as I quite intentionally misspelled unintentionlly...twice. And so, to start off our time together on the right foot, which I believe to be the best and proper foot on which to begin a journey, let me assure you that I quite intentionally did not capitalize the word "weeks," and am quite pleased with my decision to do so. Or not do so, as the case may be.

Now that that rather pertinent subject is out of the way, allow me to welcome you all to my cozy little blogspot, where I shall be sharing many daring and death-defying adventure stories with you. Anyone who actually cares about my and my sister's galavanting around the world is welcome to drop by, read, comment, and even express deep and abiding envy. Unless, of course, you chose to do something as banal as get married rather than journey with us. Then your envy is invalidated.

Thank you all for making leaving home just a little bit harder, and as always, I leave you with a tidbit...

Did ew know...?

Never is just reven spelled backwards.

Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.