Saturday, November 22, 2008


Let me tell you a story.  A tale about an ant who has gotten too big for his britches...if he had any.  Which he doesn't.  Which is another problem.  But we're not talking about that right now.

Deep in the jungles of Slovenia, where the jungles are very un-jungleish, there dwells a giant Amazonian ant.  An ant who bullies everyone around him. An ant who believes that he has magical powers.  An ant who refuses to wear trousers.  This ant calls himself "Thumbcrusher."

The presumptuous little twerp stole my name.  He believes that though his kind has been crushed by many thumbs throughout the ages, he is ready to crush back.  But lest you begin to think he is a brave ant, soldiering on for the betterment of antkind, be assured that he has only selfish motives in his stone cold heart.  "He's always stealing the biggest breadcrumbs for himself!" complains Minger, an ant unfortunate enough to have to work with Thumbcrusher.  Many such complaints have arisen, drawing much attention towards this giant ant, who claims his size and ability come from magical powers.

His latest desire is to win the annual Bridge Plank Competition.  In an effort to unify ants across the world, the ants have been holding annual olympics, with the main event being the BPC.  In this dangerous, possibly life threatening competition, an ant must walk between two bridge planks, jump across the gap to the next plank, and continue on.  But Thumbcrusher is not content with the standard size of gap.  He is determined to prove larger gaps possible, and thereby extend the current standard.  Such a change would make this already formidable event quite lethal.  But Thumbcrusher, as usual, is determined to get his way.

However, we have born witness to something that may shatter this invincible image Thumbcrusher has tried to portray.  Indeed, he seems to have found a gap too large for his britches...or lack thereof.  He was rigorously training again, when he approached a gap, and tried to no avail to jump across.  Unfortunately for him, his acrobatics could not get him past this obstacle, and he eventually turned back.  Will this new information be enough to rid antkind of Thumbcrusher's opression?  It may at least be a leap in the right direction.

The two "Thumbcrushers" face off
Thumbcrusher (the imposter) trying to get across the large gap
Thumbcrusher gives up


Anonymous said...

Nice story, but I wonder that you spent any time at all to observe when you could have just better spent your time crushing TC with your thumb and brushing him off the bridge as fish food.

pifaith said...

Well, I can see that Thumbcrusher is too big for his absent britches. However, does he have a "thumb." In any case, I think you've misjudged his motives. He's really just a proud "Reepicheep" at heart. I'm taking up his cause. He needs a cheerleader. "GO THUMBCRUSHER!"

Sara said...

It's becomming more and more clear to me why Rebecca is so weird. ;-)