Thursday, October 23, 2008

Movies and Such

Well, for now I'm actually caught up.  Ish.  Right now we're in Berlin.  We haven't loaded any of those pictures, so that'll have to come later.  However, I wanted to mention our fantabulous day today.  This morning, we had to resolve some accommodation problems.  It's a long story.  Which of course always means it's not a long story, but I don't want to explain.  In this situation I don't want to think too much about it and it actually probably is a fairly long story, so meh.  All that is to say, we had a fun morning.  So we were a bit later getting out to Leipzig, but we made it.  We got to see some wonderful sights pertaining to Mendelssohn, Bach, and Mozart.  It was awesome.  And we got some new socks, which will also be nice.  Fuzzy and warm is always good.  After we got back from Leipzig, we had a light dinner at an Australian place (Australian fries and Oriental chicken fingers).  The fries were amazing!  After that we caught the 20.15 (8:15 pm) showing of High School Musical 3, which was released here a day earlier than it is there.  So yes, I'm bragging.  I know you all must be very jealous.  While we were eating before the movie, we got to see a red carpet thingy for a premiere of a German/Austrian movie called Nordwand.  All in all, a very German experience today, and I feel great about that.  :-)=  Well, now I really really am caught up.  Yippy doodles!  Now I'm going to bed.  Night night.

Did ew know...?
Fuzzy socks are the secret to happiness.
Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.


Susanna Johnson said...

High School Musical Three? OMG, Becca! I have to tell Abi. She'll be so jealous! haha.

Sara said...

Was it in German? That would be weird.