Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time Warp

Excuse me whilst I take you back into the past a few days.  I know I blogged a teeny bit about Edinburgh, but now I have a few pictures of it.  First off, since I know you all like to know how well fed we are, here are the food pictures I love to give you.  Here we have a picture of me in the barrel for the barrel ride.  We learned all about the fancy-shmancy Scotch Whisky making process.  Then we have the haggis.  This was very very good.  The haggis is on the bottom, mashed potatoes (tatties) in the middle, and mashed turnips (napes) on top.  But the gravy really made the meal.  I also have a Hot Toddy in that picture, which is whisky, honey, lemon...some other stuff.  The next picture is the tea we enjoyed at Clarinda's Tea Room.  There were locals there...always a good sign.  We had lovely scones with fresh cream, while Elizabeth enjoyed Blackcurrant tea and I had Jasmine tea.  It was a lovely environment.  Finally, we have a dessert made up of fruit, whisky, and whipped cream, plus a few other ingredients.  It was very tasty, and not too strong in any direction.

Of course, there was plenty of time for other things on the Royal Mile, some of which I've already mentioned.  But here are some pictures of our frivolity.  Meeting up with Valerie was lots of fun.  It's always comforting to see family.
This is us on the Royal Mile, her with her cashmere, made in Scotland, tartan scarf.  Elizabeth and I later got our own.  

The next two pictures are in Edinburgh Castle.
Clearly, Elizabeth is getting far too much enjoyment out of shooting off cannons, and I'm worried an intervention may be required shortly.  At least she didn't fire at anyone this me.  We also saw my kilted man playing the bagpipes outside one of the museums.
As you can see, we got very friendly.  

Finally, when we went to Camera Obscura, we had a delightful time.  There are Camera Obscuras in other places, so it's not necessarily unique to Scotland, but it does give you a visual tour of Edinburgh (see Elizabeth's blog for description), and there are three other floors with tons of visual oddities and optical illusions.  There was a booth there where you could have your picture taken and then morph them into other things.  Here we have two lovely pictures of Elizabeth and myself in anime form.  I must say, I think we make adorable anime characters.  They could do other faces too.



pifaith said...

The Haggis looks wonderful. How did it taste? Also, I loved Valerie's scarf. Scotland is where I got that delicate beige knit scarf that I've had forever. Is the food similar to Ireland? Just keep Elizabeth away from cannons during (you know) "that time."

CassieU said...

yeah! you finally asked a scot in a kilt to take a photo with you. i'm so proud. you are so brave..giggles.

Rebekah said...

Tirzah has requested more animal pictures. You know, where are the cows and kitties?

Sara said...

Ok, well, asking a plastic bagpiper to pose with you is a good start. Now you'll be ready to ask a real one, right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Keep telling us of the great food and adventure. I'm really trying not to get too jealous. We had a day of boating with your family. The water was cold but the day was beautiful. Today was an inspiring church service. The worship and sermon were great and to top it off we had a baptism. Missing you guys.

Sara said...

Krissy was one of the baptized today.

Anonymous said...

Should we keep a running tally of Caitlin Stories? I am currently at 1 to your 1 ( little incident in the IV ROOM :-)