Monday, July 21, 2008

I Spy With My Little Eye...

Today, my little eye saw quite a bit. Some that has been, some that is, and some that has not yet come to pass.

Has Been...
Legend has it that at the Chirping Chicken restaurant sits a cursed table. Outside and in the corner, this Mesa Diablo terrorizes and ultimately traumatizes unsuspecting sittersby. Many have required therapy.'s a legend now anyway.
Airplane bathrooms were built only to taunt you while the seat belt light is on.
Delta. It's a has-been, people, it's a has-been.

The ocean has veins. There's the glassy, slushy water, and then these veins of the most shiny, sparkly water you've ever seen. It looks like it's writhing and weaving through the rest of the water.
The people of New York are very friendly. They speak of video games, music, traveling, and snobby French people. New York Drivers are rude. They're a different species.
When you see two men walking in the park with matching t-shirts, one pink one blue, well, I'll let you figure that one out.
When in doubt, use the damsel-in-distress card. It works.
Fireflies really do exist. I've seen them.

While sitting in the airplane, you have the unique opportunity to observe the myriad heads in front of you. It's a moment when you need to be in a musical, so that all the heads can start swaying together.
Someday, the New York City subway seats will all band together and form the SAIPOG...Seats Against Improper Placement of Gum. Out of this union will spawn the PAROAFA...People Against Removal Of Articles From Acronyms. Chaos will ensue.

Did ew know...?
NYCTP does not stand for New York City Toilet Paper, Not Your Crap To Pawn, or Naughty Young Chickens Taunt People.
Thank you for choosing Lod's Little Tidbits, and have a nice day.


Sara said...

So are New York airport people a different species too? Or are they the same as New York drivers?

Sara said...

I just have to know--is there any connection between the Legend of the Mesa Diablo and El Pollo Diablo? It is the Chirping Chicken restaurant after all.

CassieU said...

I say on the next flight you get everyone together and start swaying...or try a wave...that could be fun...

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

New York airport people are actually pretty normal, because they're mostly other travelers and not real New York people charging en masse to their uniquely important locations. No sympathy for lost lambs, people.

CassieU said...

wait till you get to per the people in masse charging..what a world